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I'd like to share a little about how I got to FasterEFT, and what it’s done for me, personally. I’m just going to be very honest and real.


I come from a background of mental, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse from a young age, for many years, from outside the family. As a result, by the time I was in my twenties, I had almost zero self-esteem, I didn’t believe I was worthy of the space it took my feet to touch the ground, I learned to be silent as a protection mechanism, I couldn’t speak up for myself, I couldn’t speak about all that had happened to me, I lived in fear and anxiety, I was depressed and suicidal, I was drinking, and smoking, and cutting myself. I used to carry a razor blade in my pocket every single day, "just in case."


I tried many different things to cope with it, to “get better," many different therapists, and counselors, and psychiatrists, medications, self-help groups, books, affirmations, prayer, and more. Nothing helped for very long. I’ve always been connected to nature and animals, and I believe that part of me kept me alive, kept me searching for hope.


I carried all this with me throughout my entire life. I was skilled at putting on the "everything is ok" face, despite what was going on inside, except sometimes. I had bad memories flashing back all the time, some of it physical, but mostly, especially, the verbal and mental/emotional memories of that voice, those words, that angry face in my head... every time I dared to hope or dream... and I believed every word it said… I decided it was easier to not want, to not need, to not hope, and to never dream. I absolutely loathed myself. And when it got too much, I would cut. It was a silent scream.


Fast forward to about 2 years ago (I'm soon to be 49), I had given up on being able to be helped, and I believed I was just broken. Un-helpable, if that's even a word. I had gotten to the point I was having panic attacks, extreme anxiety, I was afraid of every person on the planet almost, I was so depressed and isolated, I didn’t want to get out of bed, I was angry to wake up, I just didn’t want to be here anymore. I couldn’t get out of my house, I couldn’t go to the store, I stopped being able to drive. The panic attacks were awful. I couldn’t talk to anyone almost, except my Mom. It was one of the lowest, if not “the” lowest point in my life. As an example, I used to wait until after dark just walk to my mailbox (sometimes, I even carried my gun with me, just to be able to walk to the mailbox), and if a car came down the road, I would run back inside, or hide behind a tree, or in a shadow, and I'd just freeze. It was that extreme.


That summer of 2016, I got so desperate to “want” to live, I did three things all in the same week… I filed for mental disability (which I didn't get, I "wasn't bad off enough" to get that kind of help), I drove some hours to see my homeopathic doctor who lived in another state, and I called Becky Buckman, a FEFT Practitioner who happened to live in Nashville, near where I live. Someone had given me her business  card some months before, and I still had it. (Believe me, I know what that "thousand pound telephone" feels like, or how terrifying it can be to hit "Send" in an email or a contact form... sitting there for so long, wanting to click it, being unable to, wanting to click it, being unable to... afraid, it's "just a little click," "how can it be so hard?" I KNOW how hard it can be...) But, I was desperate for any kind of help and hope. All of this, I was terrified to do. But, I did it. And, Im so grateful that I did.


I began to go see Becky for FasterEFT sessions in August 2016 (it's NOT like "talk therapy"), and within just a few sessions (3-6 sessions maybe, I can't remember exactly), I was able to get out into the world again, to go to the store by myself, and I felt hope again, I wanted to be alive. Some of the worst memories were changed, or gone completely. I wasn’t yet "comfortable," but I had the tools to handle my fears, anxieties, and flashbacks.


In October of 2016, my Mom said she wanted to take me on a trip, both to uplift me, but also to "push me a little bit," she said. It was a little hard to say yes (it was the unknown), but I did say yes. We went out west (USA) to NM, CO, and UT. I saw such beautiful places, and things I never thought I would ever see in my life. I was in awe, such beauty. I didn’t have the heightened anxiety, or any panic attacks on the trip, I stayed mostly just in awe and gratitude to my mom. That was within 3 months of starting FEFT sessions. It was pretty profound for me, having not been able go to my mailbox in daylight, or to the store to even buy food, 3 months before.


In October 2016, I had passionately decided I wanted to become a FEFT practitioner too, and help others the way I had been helped. This was the first thing that ever made "lasting changes" within me. True internal changes that I couldn't deny. I remember telling mom about my decision to become a practitioner on the drive towards home, the last day of our trip. I got the Online Level 1 course shortly after this and began the journey.


Level 1 is all about how to work on yourself, how to heal your own stuff, learning to work with your own unconscious mind. I knew there was a Live Level 1 Training happening in February 2017 in Oklahoma, but I didn’t want to wait that long to heal more. By January, I knew I needed to go to the Live Training, specifically to be with all the people, since I had been so isolated for so long, always doing most things on my own.


I went to the Live Level 1 training February 2017, and from there, my life completely opened up. I met people from all over the world whom its made such a difference within me, and my life, to be connected to, and to call “family," all whom I love dearly.


In June 2017, I went back to Oklahoma for Level 2 training, in November 2017 I went back to Oklahoma for Level 3, and this past June 2018 I went back to Oklahoma for Level 4 training. In-between trainings, there are lots of certification hours of practice and requirements to fulfill, to be able to move on to the next level. We’ve all helped each other work through our own stuff, while gaining skills as practitioners. Its been a life saving experience for me and I know this works, I know it helps, I’ve seen miraculous changes in others as well.


There are many free videos on Robert Gene Smith's youtube “Healing Magic” channel:


There is a free 5 day course you can take at:


Thank you for reading this. I’m just so passionate about what this can do, I want to tell everyone!


If this sounds like something you are interested in, or if you know someone this can help, please contact me:


We can set up a free 30 minute consultation online, or a phone call, or I can come to you if you live near Nashville. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, or show you, in a few minutes, how this can work for you too.


I wish you joy and peace.




For more information, to schedule a session, or to schedule a free 30 minute consultation, contact me at, or use the contact form below. I would love to work with you and show you how FasterEFT/Eutaptics® can help you make the changes you want to see in your life.


Thanks! Message sent.

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